Monday, March 7, 2011


I have moved!
You can now find me rambling on and on and on at my new blog.

Friday, March 4, 2011

#57 - These bantals are not for sleeping.

Remember my post about the white dulang hantaran i've managed to secure? Now this is why i wanted a Dulang berkaki, but pasal aku cerewet tak nak silver/gold, kena lah cari merata singapore.

I was browsing a few Malaysian nya wedding blog (I heart them seriously!, budak2 tu semua pro-diy.), and i came across a lot of them trying to DIY bantal hantaran. I had always wanted Fresh Flowers for my Hantaran, cuma tak tau aku ada time ke tak nak gi Thomson beli Fresh Flowers and i was scared it would cost me a bomb.

The idea is to make your own bantal (stuff it with the kekabu and what-nots) and then decorate the hantaran using Fresh flowers and the Oasis sponge.

Ideally, the kain, jangan pakai satin pasal dia licin sangat and takut nanti susah pulak nak handle benda tu. So far, yang aku tengok, tak yah jahit, just glue everything together. Bagus jugak lah, pasal kalau nak harapkan aku jahit bantal, sampai kahwin pun benda tu tak siap.

For the fillings of the bantal pulak, maybe jangan cari yang original punya bulu, pasal tu mahal. Maybe kena cari those synthetic nya. Alah, asalkan at the end of the day, bantal tu gebu2 lah.

Semalam i tried to call Far East Flora (Thomson) to get their pricelist for the Fresh Flowers. The lady said ni harga semalam lah pasal harga bunga turun naik (macam stock pulak).

I love Rose, Carnations & Gerbera the most so i only got those flower nya pricelist but if you are interested in other flowers, can just call their Fresh-cut department at 6251 5151
So far, this is the price she gave me lah.

China - 20 stalks at $13.00 | Malaysia - 20 stalks at $8.00
I know, u be thinking, "aik?? apasal Rose China lagi mahal? Selalu made in China lagi murah pe.."
The difference is actually Rose China lagi lawa. Dia nya tips is pointed, while Malaysia is rounded.
China punya pun kalau kembang, besar and lawa sangat... So kalau you all nya bf or husband kasi you all Rose, pi tanya dia beli yang China nya ke or Malaysia nya ok.

20 stalks at $7.50
I love carnations (especially pink ones cos of it's pom-pom effects)

10 Stalks at $3.50.
Gerberas always make me happy cos of the bright colours.

Baby breaths:
Big Bundle at $23.00 | Half bundle at $10.00
Yang ni, mesti beli. I feel that it adds a very nice touch to the flowers.

Oasis Sponge:
1 box of 20 pieces at $17.00
This is not the normal green sponge that you all cucuk bunga plastic tu. This sponge is specifically good for you to rendam dalam air and baru cucuk fresh flowers so that your flowers taklah mati siang sangat.

They said delivery is Free kalau kita order more than $30.00 but i suggest you go down to Thomson, pick the flowers you want and then order and get them to deliver nearer to your date lagi bagus then just calling in to place your order.

You can try looking for Betty, such a patient lady, she helped me answer most of my questions =)

#56 - We turn 4!

We got a spanking new look cos we turn Four this month!
Time pass so fast.

I can still remember my first client, where we met and the design i gave them.

Coming up: Tips on choosing your Invitations!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

#55 - The Pink Gift Bags

I work very near IMM and i go to IMM everyday for lunch.
So, naturally, i will try to go Daiso once every two days. Yes, i love that place that much.

Today, i saw something that nearly made me leap with joy.

Pink Polka-dot Gift Bags!!

There were two sizes available. One is Size S and the other one in Size M.
I bought both cos i don't know which size would be ideal.

However, lepas dah bukak plastic tu and tenung lama2, i think i prefer Size S better.
Cute sangat and it is just nice for the Favor that i'm gonna give.

I like it cos it's simple and sweet and because it has prints on it, i don't need to much with the decoration of the bag.

This is how it looks like bila ada isi. It also comes with this transparent sticker to seal it.
But kalau nak biarkan kosong macam ni, boring pulak.

Kalau nak letak ribbon, takut sarat sangat, because the bag comes with prints and on the bag ada gambar ribbon.

So, while i was googling on ideas just now, i figured why not buat macam ni?

But instead of covering the whole bag edge with the label, i figure, it would be nicer to do it like this instead. So that the sides is till visible. I plan to do up the labels in Black and Pink so that it can blend well with the gift bag.

I have just called Daiso IMM to check if they can get me stocks for the bag. It's only $2.00 and there are 12 bags in it. So it's only about $0.16 per bag. Cheap kan?

I need to get hold of about 33 packets of this. I'm trying hard to make sure all the bags are of the same colour. But if they don't have stocks for the same colour, i guess i have to mix and match the colours. *cross fingers*

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

#54 - Nak cari dulang.. Nak cari dulang.

I think by now, you would have known my tendency to DIY most of the wedding stuffs.
Tu pelamin kalau boleh DIY pun aku DIY agaknya. Tapi pasal Uncle Jais bikin confirm lagik lawa, takpe, kasi chance. muahaha.

So, the dulang hantaran tu pun, i was thinking of DIY-ing as well.

The boy's mother intends to give me Yellow dulang. Yes, yellow. Ye saya, YELLOW!
Nak aku cakap apa lagi, walaupun Yellow is my least favourite colour. Tapi takpe, cool.
Tak nak gado pasal dulang. lol

I am still undecided what colour i wanna give the Boy. Tu ari ada ter-mention nak kasi dia Pink Dulang. Mata dia punya besar dia bukak. Wah wah.. dia kasi aku dulang kaler kuning boleh, aku kasi pink tak boleh!

Anyway, i knew i wanted the dulangs to have a white base. Tak kisah lah, white bakul ke, white tray ke, white styrofoam ke, janji white.

I wanted to rent only pasal kalau beli, lepas tu apa yang aku nak buat ngan dulang tu kan?
So bila part nak recce mana nak sewa dulang, balik2 dulang kaler silver and gold je ada. Punya lah susah nak carik dulang or bekas kaler putih.

Tapi aku persevere, kuatkan semangat (cheh cheh).

At last, i found it!

It's made of those heavy-duty plastic, so according to the owner, it won't bengkok or retak kalau aku letak barang kat atas. Should be ok lah. Bukan aku nak letak batu-bata ke apa kan.

The owner have about 22 pieces of these trays and guess how much it is?

Rental is at $2.50 per tray!
I took 10 trays so i only pay $22.50.

The security deposit is $2.00 per tray and it's refundable once u return the trays to her.

So if you girls have not got your tray or tak tau mana nak rent, you can go to her website HERE

If you girls are still looking around for those Silver or Gold nya Dulang berkaki, this girl takde..
But i can recommend you another person who has it and she only rents it out at $3.00 per tray.
Cheap cheap! You can add her at Facebook HERE.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#53 - Facebook Status

If there's one thing that i can't manage to convince the boy, it is go and open a Facebook Account. Punya lah susah nak suruh dia bukak tu account. Kutuk lah dia apa2, mati2 dia tak sign up for Facebook.

I always tell people, my boy is allergic to technology. He only checks his emails, MSN and Youtube.
No facebook, no twitter, no tumblr, not even a Flickr account!

Ni saja je aku bilang, pasal i came across these pictures which are oh so cute!

Cute kan?

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