I think by now, you would have known my tendency to DIY most of the wedding stuffs.
Tu pelamin kalau boleh DIY pun aku DIY agaknya. Tapi pasal Uncle Jais bikin confirm lagik lawa, takpe, kasi chance. muahaha.
So, the dulang hantaran tu pun, i was thinking of DIY-ing as well.
The boy's mother intends to give me Yellow dulang. Yes, yellow. Ye saya, YELLOW!
Nak aku cakap apa lagi, walaupun Yellow is my least favourite colour. Tapi takpe, cool.
Tak nak gado pasal dulang. lol
I am still undecided what colour i wanna give the Boy. Tu ari ada ter-mention nak kasi dia Pink Dulang. Mata dia punya besar dia bukak. Wah wah.. dia kasi aku dulang kaler kuning boleh, aku kasi pink tak boleh!
Anyway, i knew i wanted the dulangs to have a white base. Tak kisah lah, white bakul ke, white tray ke, white styrofoam ke, janji white.
I wanted to rent only pasal kalau beli, lepas tu apa yang aku nak buat ngan dulang tu kan?
So bila part nak recce mana nak sewa dulang, balik2 dulang kaler silver and gold je ada. Punya lah susah nak carik dulang or bekas kaler putih.
Tapi aku persevere, kuatkan semangat (cheh cheh).
At last, i found it!
It's made of those heavy-duty plastic, so according to the owner, it won't bengkok or retak kalau aku letak barang kat atas. Should be ok lah. Bukan aku nak letak batu-bata ke apa kan.
The owner have about 22 pieces of these trays and guess how much it is?
Rental is at $2.50 per tray!
I took 10 trays so i only pay $22.50.
The security deposit is $2.00 per tray and it's refundable once u return the trays to her.
So if you girls have not got your tray or tak tau mana nak rent, you can go to her website
HEREIf you girls are still looking around for those Silver or Gold nya Dulang berkaki, this girl takde..
But i can recommend you another person who has it and she only rents it out at $3.00 per tray.
Cheap cheap! You can add her at Facebook